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Fruit + Veg

Beetroot - Bunch
Beetroot - Bunch
$3.69 $0.00 $3.69/each

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Many people are of the belief that Beetroot is good for the blood. This is not correct. Of course beetroot is good for you it is not high in iron so it will not help prevent anaemia, which many believe it will do. Beetroot's main benefits are that it contains no fat, very few calories and is a great source of fibre.

Beetroot has for many years been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe. Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring matter which supposedly helps fight against cancer and beetroot also increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 percent. Additional studies are taking place to add support to these claims. The green leafy part of the beetroot is also of nutritional value containing beta-carotene and other carotenoids,( Carotenoid refers to plant pigments - of which there is a family of about 600 different types. These all function as antioxidants. The yellow, orange, and many of the red pigments in fruits, vegetables, and plant materials are usually carotenoids.) This part of the beet also contains lots of folate, iron, potassium and some vitamin C. The roots and greens therefore are great for women in general and for those planning pregnancy. Try eating the leaves and stalk boiled or steam and accompany with other more flavorsome vegies like onions and garlic. Or chop finely and add to quiches or stir-fries.

Fresh beetroot
Beetroot can be eaten raw. You just need to peel it and it's ready to use. Beetroot can add a refreshing touch to a salad, a sandwich (try it with cheese!) or as an accompaniment to other vegies...


•grating it finely to add to other vegetables

•mix grated beetroot with raspberry vinegar

•mix grated beetroot, grated orange rind and orange juice

•plain grated beetroot is great on hamburgers



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