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Organic French Green Lentils My Organics - 500g
Organic French Green Lentils My Organics - 500g
$8.35 $0.00 $1.67/100g

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Product Description: Produced from whole, sound dry threshed organic French green lentils.The traditional French lentil is greeny-blue in colour with a peppery taste. A tiny, lens shaped seed of a small shrub French green lentilsare approximately ½ cm wide and have an earthy flavour. Due to their firm texture they may take longer to cook than regular lentils, but hold their shape well when cooked.
SUGGESTED USES: Winter soups, salad, curries, pilaffs, stuffings and stirfries. Mix with breadcrumbs and use to stuff peppers or eggplants. Blend with cous cous and use as a bed for grilled seafood or poultry. Toss cooked and chilled lentils and diced roasted vegetables with a little olive oil and season to taste.


Ingredients: Organic French Green Lentils



Product Of: Canada

*Price displayed is exclusive of GST