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Produce Storage Bag Mixed Love Thy Earth - 6 Pack
Produce Storage Bag Mixed Love Thy Earth - 6 Pack
$54.95 $0.00 $9.16/Each

Product Description: Take care of all your produce needs with Love Thy Earth’s Australian made Produce Storing Bags. These are not your average produce bags they will keep your produce fresh and crisp for up to three weeks. Simply take your bags to the store when you shop and when you return home all you need to do is wet your bags completely with the produce inside, you then place the bags (produce inside) into the crisper section of your refrigerator. This is where the magic happens! Your lettuce will remain crunchy, your carrots firm and your celery crisp.


The material we use (unbleached-calico) creates a greenhouse like effect for your produce to live in, keeping your produce fresher longer. Each bag is convenient, lightweight and made to be reused over and over again.


Love Thy Earth Produce Storage Bags are Australian made, with each product designed to be reused until eventually they find their way back to the earth, here they will decompose naturally, as each piece within Love Thy Earth’s range is completely compostable, because to us, our earth matters!


 The ‘Mixed’ produce storage 6-pack is best suited for those who shop for a little bit of everything, whilst requiring a ‘larger’ produce bag to store larger veggies such as celery, kale, silver beet & Swiss chard.


Mixed Includes 6x produce bags: * 2x X-Small (one with leaf logo + one plain), * 2x Small, * 1x Medium & * 1x Large



Product Of: Australia

*Price displayed is exclusive of GST